
Visual aural digit span test
Visual aural digit span test

, the industrial accident rate due to human error was found to be high in Korea as well out of 351 cases of serious accidents that occurred in Korea in 2013, 117 (33.7%) were related to human error. In a similar vein, Hals found that human error was a primary causal factor in 70–80% of accidents in the oil and gas industry. Dinges also stated that unintentional human errors in the workplace, which can include mistakes by operators, maintenance, and management, were the most frequently identified root causes of accidents, contributing significantly to between 30% and 90% of all serious incidents across industries. argued that human error was one of the major reasons for industrial accidents, emphasizing the need to introduce new technologies to prevent it. Analyses of major accidents have concluded that human errors on the part of operators, designers, or managers have played a major role in their occurrence. These findings may be useful for the work-space designs that prevent/minimize human errors and industrial accidents by improving the cognitive task performance of workers in field-noise environments.ĭuring the past few decades, technological evolution has drastically changed the nature of the human factor problems that one faces in relation to industrial safety. The major findings were that: (1) the field-noise environment did not affect the scores of the Corsi block-tapping and 3-back tasks, significantly affecting only the Digit span task score (decreased by 15.2%, p < 0.01) and (2) the Digit span task performance in the field-noise environment was improved by 17.9% ( p < 0.05) when mixed noise was provided as a type of auditory pre-stimulation. The three STM/WM tasks were the Corsi block-tapping, Digit span, and 3-back tasks, corresponding to the visuospatial sketchpad, the phonological loop, and the central executive of WM, respectively. In the second experiment, the participants performed each of the three basic STM/WM tasks in a field-noise environment after they were provided with one of four different auditory pre-stimulations (quiet noise, white noise, field noise, and mixed (white and field) noise). In the first experiment, a total of 24 participants performed each of three basic short-term/working memory (STM/WM) tasks under two different experimental conditions (quiet-noise environment and field-noise environment) depending on the presence or absence of field noise. To accomplish these research objectives, two major experiments were conducted. Therefore, this study aimed to empirically investigate: (1) the effects of noisy environments on the performances of cognitive tasks related to different functions of working memory and (2) the effects of auditory pre-stimulation on the performances of cognitive tasks in a field-noise environment. Accordingly, studies on the effects of pre-stimulation in a noisy environment are still lacking. However, most previous studies demonstrated the effectiveness of the auditory pre-stimulation in a quiet environment. In recent years, auditory pre-stimulation has been considered as a means of preventing human errors by improving workers’ cognitive task performance.

visual aural digit span test

The pediatric neurologists did general pediatric and neurological examinations, following up many of the cases with EEGs and CT (computerized tomography, brain x-rays).The accident rate due to human errors in industrial fields has been consistently high over the past few decades, and noise has been emerging as one of the main causes of human errors.

visual aural digit span test

The ophthalmology team not only tested the children, but they also prescribed and provided glasses, and even performed surgery when necessary. The children were identified by means of special diagnostic tests and treated using remedial materials and techniques that had been developed to deal with various types of dyslexia. The Bergen Project involved the collection of voluminous data. These dyslexic children were studied, diagnosed, and treated over a period of nine years, along with various control and comparison groups, which included a large subgroup with general learning disabilities (retarded). The largest and most comprehensive study was the Bergen Project, a longitudi nal study of an entire cohort of children, with special emphasis on those who developed specific learning disabilities in reading and writing (dyslexia). A number of independent studies have already been published, dealing with various aspects oflearning disabilities in the literacy skills of reading and writing. Support has come from the federal governments and other funding agencies in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark through the Secretariat for Scan dinavian Cultural Cooperation. Psychological and educational researchers in the Scandinavian countries have cooperated in a research effort relating to children's learning disabilities for more than a decade.

Visual aural digit span test